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Four Banners, One Enterprise

God is always working. Each step of this process requires that we slow down and remember that we don’t do anything on our own-- time, strength, wisdom-- God orchestrates each detail. 

The result of the discernment workshop (hosted by The Call to Work - read more about that here), was a list of four “banners,” or key takeaways. The banners focus us as we move toward development of a beekeeping social enterprise. 

The four banners are as follows:

1. Refine/essentialize working of key themes.

The themes developed require some “wordsmithing” to become simple, memorable, and clear messages. We began work on our mission statement - a unifying statement to define why this social enterprise exists. The ideas of cooperation and collaboration are key components to the mission as we seek to become partners with God’s creation (bees) and partners in our community to see the flourishing of all. 

2. Find ways to stay true and intentionally pursue these themes.

We will need to define action steps to put themes into practice. As each member of the team finds her/her role in this endeavor, we will work to develop consistent practices that comply with our forthcoming mission statement.

3. Develop the team so we have knowledgeable and balanced human resources as we further shape these banners.

It has been so exciting to be part of this team. The process of developing a business with a strong mission is a unique experience. The timeline is uncertain, but we hope to develop and pilot a couple key pieces in 2021, with a dream of launching something more developed in 2022. What might you bring to the table? Interested in learning more? Contact Pastor Winfred by email at

4. Keep a list of counter cultural ways and practices and prioritize ways to live into said practices. 

One hope of this social enterprise is to impact our community by living into counter-cultural practices we hope will define our “brand.” Bees are often viewed as a    threat. We know they have the ability to sting, but honeybees, unlike humans, do no harm as they work together to nourish the hive and make honey and wax. They showcase an incredible instinct to use one’s giftings to promote unity. We hope to live into this same unity while empowering one another to exercise strengths. Our culture is starved for something new, something fresh, would you pray with us as we work to enter this sector of beekeeping as collaborators, not competitors, while allowing Christ to permeate each facet of this work?

Originally published March 28, 2021.