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Political Discourse & Elections, Part 2
Kevin  Heyne
Kevin Heyne
Sunday, June 30, 2024
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Political Discourse & Elections, Part 2 with Kevin Heyne: 
"The Strengths and Dangers of Human Government" Romans 13:1-7

1. Everyone with positional authority is under the authority of God.

2. Government is to encourage good behavior and discourage bad behavior.

3. There are times when political protest is very appropriate.

4. Government is in the business of legislating morality.

5. God's Word is the most vital source for our conscience.

Take Action!
1. Who does every elected official have to answer to? Why? Read Romans 13:1
2. What is the purpose of government?
3. Are there appropriate times to disobey or protest what's going on in the government? What Scripture supports your position?
4. Explain why the government is in the business of legislating morality?
5. Where should we go to strengthen our conscience? What source helps us build a healthy conscience and what sources weaken our conscience? Read 2 Timothy 3:16-17