The Generosity Blueprint: The Heart of Generosity - Clarence Stamps II
2 Corinthians 9:6-11
1. Every believer is expected to give generously
2. Giving is to be an obedient and intentional act of worship
3. Generous giving concerns itself more on how than what
4. God will never let you be more generous to him than He is to you
Take Action:
2 Corinthians 8, Romans 12:1, Philippians 4:19
1. What is the Spirit prompting you to do after hearing this message?
2. When was the last time you reflected on the generosity of God through Christ? How
different would your day-to-day life look if you led at all times from a place of being
known, loved and redeemed by a generous God?
3. Does your heart communicate cheer and joy when prompt to worship through giving? If
not, what pains/sins is your heart revealing that need to be brought before our Great
Physician for healing and forgiveness?
4. What concerns do you have with starting to give or giving more generously (fear of lack,
high inflation, limited income, planning for the future, etc.)? Write these down and
offer them and your heart to the Lord in a prayer of trust. Begin this time in prayer with
the words from Psalm 56:3-4.
5. Who do you need to share the gospel and this message with this week?