The Generosity Blueprint, Part 2 - "The Discipline of Stewardship"
Luke 16:1-13
1. If you're faithful in earthly matters, God will entrust you with eternal matters.
2. Your devotion will be to worldly values or kingdom values.
3. God owns everything and I'm his money manager.
4. The more we exercise our giving muscle, the easier it becomes to give.
5. Our daily financial decisions impact our spiritual health.
Take Action!
1 - What does stewardship mean? What does Luke 16:1-13 tell us about stewardship? What does 1 Chron. 29:11-14 teach us?
2 - Why do you think there's a connection between daily financial decisions and our spiritual health?
3 - Why does Jesus make strong statements about being faithful in small things and not being devoted to money (Luke 16:10-13)?
4 - What financial giving habits are you cultivating with regard to the local church and in other ways outside of the church?
5 - Reflect on God's perspective of generosity and how you might be able to press into this more. Read Prov. 19:17; Prov. 11:24-25; Psalm 112:5; and 1 Tim. 6:18-19.