Following Jesus to the Cross: "Testing the Heart" - Julian Newman Matthew 4:1-11
Proverb 4:23
Jer. 17:9
Matt. 4:1-11
Luke 4:14
Matt. 5:8
Abraham: Faith and trust
Moses: Anger and Rage
Esther: Courage and Mission
Daniel: Confidence in God’s Sovereignty
Joseph: Faithfulness and Forgiveness
Mary: Obedience
Peter: Fear
Job: Faith in God’s Character
A few notes on the wilderness when you look at Matthew, Mark, and Luke:
- Tempted Throughout
- Devil Left and Would Be Back
- Wild Animals
- He Was Directed to the Test
- After the Test He was clothed in Power
1 John 2:16-17
"For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world".
Lust of the Flesh (Eat this Bread!)
Lust of the Eye (You Can Have all the Stuff and All the Power)
Pride of Life (I Am The ONE) * said another way (dance on the haters like alligators)
WOUND: Trauma or Experience that inflicts damage on HERO (Family, Father, Abuse, etc)
FEAR/STRUGGLE: Grows out of WOUND (Relationship, Intimacy, Family, etc)
IDENTITY: Emotional Armor (facade) worn to protect HERO from pain and new wounds (Boy Wonder, It Girl, etc)
ESSENCE: Who the HERO is when armor is stripped and the wounds are healed. (True & Best Version of Self)
Living in Essence
Wisdom: Hero has Knowledge born & gained from Trouble & Trial
Faith: Hero Believes and Hopes in the Unseen
Vulnerability: Hero Living Life Without the Mask
Authenticity: Hero Living Life Unashamed of Scars
3 Cheat Codes for Passing Every Test (Declarations)
Declaration 1: You Are All I Need
Declaration 2: You Are My Source, & I Am Your Servant
Declaration 3: God I Trust You

