Is your life bearing fruit?
What energizes you in the midst of the hustle and bustle of life? Is it your higher performance planner? Is it your google calendar?
Or your Apple or Android device?
In ancient days, not unlike our days, people relied on many different sources to bring them a sense of life and satisfaction. Yet, in John 15:1, Jesus declares, “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.” Why would Jesus say He is the true vine? He used the word “true” to denote dependability. Jesus is dependable. There were other vines (i.e. technology, religions, spiritual guides) during His time when people gravitated to meet their daily needs. However, these other vines then, like the ones during our time today, do not fully satisfy our needs. If these other vines do not fully satisfy our needs, what should we do? We need to disconnect from them. We need to change our focus, turning away from the other vines and focusing on the true vine, Jesus.
How do you do this in your daily life? It is by connecting with Him daily and staying connected to Him. This is the reason Jesus uses a natural, biological example to illustrate the fact that a branch connected to the vine bears fruit, and the one not connected neither benefits from the sap nor bears any fruit. For us to bear fruit, we need to be connected to the True Vine, Jesus Christ! We need to develop habits that will enable us to stay connected to Jesus. This week prioritize your connectivity to Jesus, and watch to see how He will energize you to bear fruit that will last.
What is the one habit you need to adopt this week to remain connected to Jesus?