“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:2 NKJV
What am I proving? This is the question reading this verse brings to mind. When I think of proving something I think of giving them facts or feelings or my understanding as to my thoughts process or belief. But in the context of this passage, what am I trying to prove and to whom? Paul suggests that by renewing our minds we can morph (think metamorphosis: externally and internally) into who God created us to be so the same world that attempts to get us to become like it would see that Believers of Jesus are not the same as those who are not believers. And by this internal and external change we reveal to the world the loving, saving, delivering, the way-making, the mind-regulating, the merciful will of God.
So as we enter into this week, we enter from the perspective of someone with a renewed mind to serve God’s people and prove that the way of the King of Kings is present in us and near them. Let us advance the name of Jesus by loving all of Jesus’ creation and people.