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The Birth of the Savior: Artie Lindsay - The Promise and the Gift, Part 4
Artie M. Lindsay, Sr.
Artie M. Lindsay, Sr.
Sunday, December 22, 2024
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The Promise and the Gift: The Birth of the Savior - Artie Lindsay Luke 2:1-20 

A. The promise to send the long-awaited Messiah is fulfilled (vv. 1-7).
B. The good news is given for all people (vv. 8-14).
C. The good news calls for a response in our lives (vv. 15-20).

Take Action!
Micah 5:2, John 3:16, James 1:22
1. How does the fulfillment of God’s promise in Jesus’ birth strengthen your trust in His faithfulness
today? Reflect on times when you’ve seen God’s promises come through in your life, even in
unexpected ways.
2. What does it mean to you personally that the good news of Jesus is for all people, including you?
Consider areas where you may feel overlooked or unworthy, and embrace the truth that Christ
came for you.
3. How are you responding to the good news of Jesus’ birth? Are you worshiping God with your life,
sharing the message of Jesus like the shepherds, or drawing nearer to Him this season?
4. Who in your life needs to hear the good news of Jesus? Take time to pray and identify someone you
can share this message with during Advent and Christmas.

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