Genesis 12:1-4
- Following God obligates us to leave our security.
- The church is the new family to the believers.
• I will make you into a great nation.
• I will bless you.
• I will make your name great.
• I will bless those who bless you.
• I will curse those who curse you. - God blesses me, so I can be of a blessing to others.
- Salvation in Jesus Christ does not belong to any one nation, it belongs to all nations.
Take Action
John 1:12; Genesis 12:2-3; Acts 7:2 and John 8:53; Galatians 4:4-5; Acts 10:28-29; Revelation 5:9
- What was God’s desire in calling Abram to leave his security and comfort zone?
- God’s desire was to fill the earth with His glory and bless all the peoples/nation
- In what ways is God calling you today to emulate Abram’s call?
- How does the church of Jesus Christ represent security for you in responding to God’s call to your life?
- How has God been a blessing to you?
a. List or count your blessings
b. How have you been a blessing to others?
c. List those to whom you have been a blessing