Luke 10:25-37
- Love of neighbor and God are qualities of people who inherit eternal life.
- Through his example of the Good Samaritan, Jesus teaches that our neighbors include all people.
- The Good Samaritan is the true neighbor because showed mercy and advocated for the weak person.
- Showing mercy and doing justice are concrete demonstrations of loving one’s neighbor.
Take Action:
Deuteronomy 6:4-5, Leviticus 19:18
- How has the Spirit convicted you as a result of this message?
- What is your definition of loving your neighbor before this message? Has your definition changed?
- In what specific ways have you loved your neighbor? Have you limited the scope of those whom you consider as neighbors?
- What specific practices can you begin that will help you to grow in loving your neighbor?
- How are the commands to love God and love neighbor connected?