James 1:26-2:13
- Pure religion shows itself in the behavior of the believers.
- Discrimination offends the nature and the person of God.
- Discrimination is theologically incompatible with God.
- Discrimination makes no logical sense.
- The scripture excludes both discrimination and favoritism.
Take Action:
1 Samuel 16:7; Luke 4:18-19; 1 Corinthians 1:26-29; Leviticus 19:18b; Mathew 6:14-15;
- After hearing this message, what would God have you do in response?
- Name a few activities and practices we perform as followers of Jesus in the name of religion?
- What among those practices are you willing to challenge in order to meet the teaching of Jesus?
- What among the practices and activities James teaches are you willing to incorporate in your life?