1 Peter 3:18-22
Main Point: Peter encourages Christians to consider the example of Jesus, whose unjust suffering resulted in victory.
- Jesus’s unjust suffering at the cross brings us closer to God.
- The resurrection shows that Jesus is victorious over the demonic realm, dominion over them, and he succeeded in providing salvation for us.
Practical Importance: When you endure suffering for doing good, you will be blessed.
Take Action:
Philippians 4:10-11; Ephesians 1:18-23; Colossians 2:`3-15
- How has the Spirit convicted you as a result of this message?
- What resources are available to you in times of suffering?
- How has the example of Jesus helped you?
- How may we encourage one another through suffering?
- What practices as a community will help us to suffer together?